Wingnut Wings 1/32 DH.2
By Tim Taylor

This has been an off and on project for the past year, but I FINALLY finished something! The DH.2 of Major Lanoe Hawker, VC, of 29 Squadron RFC.

The rigging isn't as hard as it sometimes looks, though pushers are in a class of their own! The FE-2 is a good example--that's probably the most challenging for rigging I have done, though I also have the Taube in the stash—the early monoplane wing-warper. With the DH-2, I must admit, there was some cursing involved…

I use a gloss coat for my WNW kits. Then Micro sol/Micro set to make the decals lay down. They can be a hassle but ultimately they work out and I have not had major problems with them. Once they dry, I hit the model with Dullcote and have been happy with the results.

I think adding a base just enhances the whole display. Doesn't necessarily have to be anything fancy--I just bought this base at Michaels and used some of Walther's SceneMaster grass.
© Tim Taylor 2023
This article was published on Monday, July 10 2023; Last modified on Sunday, July 16 2023