Revell 1/32 Hurricane IIb
By Tony O'Toole

Following action during the withdrawal from Burma and across into India, 135 sqn and the other Hurricane units on this front helped to hold the line against the Japanese who intended upon invading British India.

When the RAF changed over to the C1 Type fuselage roundel and C Type fin flash these were gradually applied over the top of the older roundels on 135 Sqn Hurricanes but like other units in the Far East, they often retained the older A Type under wing roundels, probably because they were easier to see? When newer aircraft arrived wearing the new markings though, the wearing of the older underside roundels gradually died out and then the gradual conversion of these roundels into what became known as SEAC Roundels began, by first of all removing the red areas, then reducing the resulting white discs, then painting these light blue and later reducing their size on fighter-sized types.

The model is the new Revell kit and I was very impressed with it. True, the exhausts are quite simplified and the slot at the front of the fuselage wing root needs to be trimmed before it will fit the wings, but this aside - it is a 1/32nd Hurricane Mk.IIb - the most widely used variant which served in every theatre of WW2, so what is there not to love, eh?

Parts are included for a Sea Hurricane with a separate lower fuselage fitted with a hook, plus the pilots head rest and catapult spools used only on the Sea Hurricane Mk. Ia & Ib, so it looks like Revell may have a Hurricane Mk.I on the cards, plus cannon barrels for a Mk.IIc are included on the sprues, too. It looks like the start of a family of kits!
My model was brush painted and the decals came from the spares box, with the WK codes cobbled together and cut to a suitable style and then they were carefully overpainted using Medium Sea Grey. A pilot’s harness was made from Tamiya tape.

© Tony O'Toole 2023
This article was published on Thursday, April 20 2023; Last modified on Sunday, April 23 2023