Revell 1/32 Spitfire IX
By Luc Janssen

With this model I wanted to represent a Spitfire (with some flying hours) in US service and based in North Africa in February 1943. Although the Revell kit does not have the Tamiya quality, it still is a good kit with only some small corrections to be made. A bigger problem is the windscreen, where the upper glass panel is not correct. I tried to hide this fault by adding a leather helmet, left behind over the rear-view mirror.
The cockpit was given more detail with a considerable number of knobs, wiring, hydraulic lines, handles, etc, and by installing US style safety belts. Cockpit stenciling was added as well to give the cockpit and instruments a more realistic look. On the landing gear struts the brakes lines and some bolts were added.

The base was painted on a glass plate with a heavy-duty primer. On this still wet primer, I sprinkled fine sand to simulate a North African dirt strip.
After Market Sets
- BarracudaCast: Spitfire cockpit upgrade set BR32003.
- BarracudaCast: Spitfire cockpit upgrade set BR32003.
- My spare decals.
- The insignia and markings were air brushed.
Paints were used from AK, Alclad, MRP, Vallejo and Humbrol.
I used washes from AK and Vallejo for the panel lines and oil paints and pastels for the dirt and streaking effects.
- Spitfires and Yellow Tail Mustangs – Tom Ivie and Paul Ludwig
- Spitfire MK IX & XVI Engineered – HIKOKI Publications
- The Internet
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© Luc Janssen 2022
This article was published on Tuesday, June 14 2022; Last modified on Saturday, June 18 2022