Revell 1/32 Mirage IIIE
By Peter Booij

Here is the old Revell Mirage IIIE with the commemorative markings from the new Revell/Italeri Mirage IIIE.

Because the cockpit is sparse, the canopy will be closed.

I used a resin ejection seat by Scaleworx.

The landing gear and two air scoops were located near the big wild boar. The lower air scoop also got its decal. However, some touching up was needed.
An additional decal (provided) is placed over the lower one to blend it in with the blue artwork.

The pylons for the 1700 Liter tanks of the new Revell/Italeri kit had to be adapted to the shape of this old model's wings by inserting some plastic strips, cut to shape. Also, the mounting tabs had to be lengthened.

The Master turned metal pitot tube was glued to the nose and blended in.
Once the final bits were added the black area was given a coat of satin varnish with the airbrush.
To see the entire build, please visit my build thread in The Blue Box of Happiness Group Build.
© Peter Booij 2022
This article was published on Thursday, May 19 2022; Last modified on Sunday, May 22 2022