Hasegawa 1/32 P-47D
By Tolga Ulgur

Here is yet another tick off my 1/32 P-47 to do list.
This is the 1/32nd Hasegawa P-47D-25 with the markings of BuNo 42-26643, “The Virgin,” from the 510 FS 405 FG.

Note this D-25 has the Curtiss Electric symmetrical propeller.

The cockpit was modified by using the Aires cockpit set and an Yahu instrument panel. The corrugated cockpit floor was borrowed from the MDC cockpit set. Also, Eduard seat belts were added.

I kept Hasegawa’s engine cylinders parts. But I replaced the front engine area with a Quickboost resin part and the magnetos from Trumpeter spare parts.

I have used Quickboost gun barrels and BarracudaCast wheels.

Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics.

Customized decals are from Custom Hobby decals.
Happy modelling!
© Tolga Ulgur 2022
This article was published on Thursday, May 05 2022; Last modified on Sunday, May 08 2022