Trumpeter 1/32 F-14D Tomcat
By Luc Janssen

This Trumpeter kit is of the standard Trumpeter quality: a bit heavy on the finish with overall a nice look and good features, but corrections must be worked out and details be added.
Although I used the AIRES wheel bays set, only the nose wheel bay could be fitted. The main gear wheel bays were too small (bad publicity for Aires!) and I had to detail the bays from the kit. The front and main landing gear were given more detail together with the arresting hook, the airbrakes and the slats with their actuators.

On the wings, the spoilers were partially re-scribed. The air-refueling probe with its housing was given more detail and new navigation lights were foreseen. The fabric covering the over-wing faring airbag was made from scratch to give it a more realistic look.

The canopy details from the Aires aftermarket set did not fit well, so I had to detail the canopy from the kit also.

The height of the BRU-32 bomb racks was increased a little and the ADU-703 adaptors were given a some more detail. The bombs and the lonely Sparrow came from my spare box.
After Market Sets
- AIRES: F-14 Wheel Bays
- AIRES: F-14D Cockpit

I used paints from ModelMaster, Tamiya, Vallejo, MRP and Humbrol.

The decals came from:
- The Kit
- Fightertown Decals: F-14D VF-31 Tom Catters
- Microscale Decals: F-14 Data Low Vis
- My spare decals
As usual, weathering was done with oil paints, colour pencils, pastel powders and Vallejo wash.
- Danny Coremans: uncovering the Grumman F-14 A/B/D/ Tomcat
- Air Forces Publication: BOMBCAT
- Detail & Scale: Colors & Markings F-14 Tomcat
- Super Carriers – Jean-Pierre Montbazet
- Seventh Fleet Super Carriers – Tony Holmes
- Famous Airplanes nr 8
- Kokufan Special F-14A
- The internet
For questions or remarks, go to
© Luc Janssen 2022
This article was published on Tuesday, April 12 2022; Last modified on Saturday, April 16 2022