Hasegawa 1/32 Fw 190A-6, Converted to an A-6/R11
By Iain MacKenzie

This is my Hasegawa Fw190A-6/R11 “Red 21” of 6./NJG300.

The kit itself didn’t pose any unforeseen problems in assembly, except for that well-known fit issue around the leading wing edge/lower cowl area. But with dry-fitting, using shims to force a better fit and then filling with Milliput or CA and blending, it turns out OK. Brake and electrical lines were all added with lead wire, etc.

The cockpit was actually intended for an A-8, but seeing I had another cockpit for my A-8 I still have to build, I decided to use it in this. Not cricket perhaps, but it works! The leather panel coaming was painted with oils.

The landing light in the port leading edge was scratch built. I ended up using the plastic container some of the Eagle Parts resin came in to heat form the light cover in a mould of the leading edge I made.

Aircraft received a full rivet job using plans from one of my reference books. Paint used was Gunze Lacquers RLM 74/75/76 with the 74/75 misted over with 76 to reduce contrast. Oils and weathering powders used as well.

Here are the parts I used:
- Hasegawa Fw190A-6 kit
- Eagleparts cockpit, spinner and prop, outboard cannon wing fairings, tail wheel set, main wheel/tyres
- EagleCals Fw190's JG300 Part 2 (used as reference for the major markings to cut masks, some decals used)
- Master Barrels and pitot set
- HGW seatbelts and control surface wet transfers
- Quickboost Revi C/12D gunsights
- Owl Fug 217 antenna plus SB items
- AIMS Fw190 Oleo markings
- MDC Drop tank
It’s a great kit overall and I would easily build another one.
© Iain MacKenzie 2021
This article was published on Friday, December 24 2021; Last modified on Tuesday, December 28 2021