Wingnut Wings 1/32 LVG C.VI
By Larry Trout
Just finished my last build, a Wingnut Wings LVG C.VI from the 'Duelists' kit. This one took quite a while.
Added a scratchbuilt gunner’s seat as the kit offering was quite inaccurate; added pipes, levers, control rigging & Kits World seat belts to the cockpit.
Added spark plug wiring & wiring manifolds to the engine. Added Gaspatch Parabellum rear machine gun. Added gas cap to upper wing.
Used Aviattic lozenge decals & Uschi wood grain decals for the fuselage. Adding the rib tapes to the trailing edges was a pain.
Added rigging & used micro brass tubing for the turnbuckles.
Used oils for the wood finish inside the cockpit. Used oils & pastels for weathering, highlights, etc.
Thanks for looking!
© Larry Trout 2021
This article was published on Thursday, July 29 2021; Last modified on Sunday, August 01 2021