Schleißheim Model Show 2007 Part 1
By Chris Novak
Hi mates, here is an exclusive report of the annual Model-show from 3 – 4 March 2007 held in the 'Flugwerft Oberschleißheim", a location near Munich (some 20 km´s away) which belongs to the German 'Deutsches Museum" and houses the aeronautics stuff and also a garage where they restore their own projects, some of them very rare! The 'real stuff" follows in part 2 of this article, part 1 will contain the plastic stuff.
The location itself is absolutely great ´cause you as modeller/exhibitor are allowed (no...better: forced!) to exhibit your stuff right in between the museums exhibits in the big Lobby, for example some were standing under the wings of a displayed C-47, in front of some WW I double-deckers, besides a (airworthy!) Fieseler Storch and so on...lovely!
This years show was Nr. 9, the jubilee-show Nr. 10 surely will follow next year and the organization/ management is looking forward to see again modellers from Germany , Austria, Hungary, Poland and Italy.
Here is an overview first:

Modelling stuff from all categories where present (Military, ships, planes, Dioramas and more), here are the most interesting 'LSP"-stuff (1/32 and large 1/48):
The Trumpeter Chinook and an F-5:

An F/A-18 and a nice Ju 52 in 1/48:

A couple of nice Navy displays:

MiG 29:

My personal 'Checkerboard-'Stang"-display:

I´ve not been the only LSP´er, Kai Reckstadt was also here, here we are doing a 'Phantom-joint-venture".

More of Kai´s birds:

Kai´s actual project, an F-16 (Tigermeet-GB entry perhaps?)

I proudly presented my Tigermeet-Phantom for the first time (finished two days before!), here together with the sister 'TORNADO".

Surely I entered the annual contest and...I made it (thank God Kai missed entering the contest with his stunning 'Black-Bunny"-Phantom ;-) ) 1st in category (planes, Medal) and 2nd in 'best of show" (Cup):

More LS´s, mostly Vacs , probably 1/48, but laaaaarge...

That´s it for Part 1, Part 2 will contain the 'Real stuff" and a bit of history.
© Chris Novak 2007
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016