Italeri 1/32 Tornado GR.4
By Andy Nottage

I finished the GR.4 today. Note I lost my metal pitot (grrr) so the kit one is in kind of droopy while I wait for replacement from Poland!

I also added an Eduard Litening pod; apart from that and the Quickboost seats it is out of the box.

I need a way of representing the det cord but am too scared to try by hand. Might try and find some decals for the seats as surprisingly the kit did not have any.
For more information, my build thread is here in the Work in Progress Forum.
Hope some of my worse modelling sins are not too obvious!
Bonus image: I built this along with my 13-year-old son who built the Revell GR.1. Here is a pic of his build:

© Andy Nottage 2021
This article was published on Saturday, May 15 2021; Last modified on Saturday, May 15 2021