2nd Annual LSP/Europe Meeting Modellbau Bodensee 2006
By Chris Novak
The (unofficial) "2nd Annual LSP/EUROPE-Meeting" was held from Friday, 3rd to Sunday, 5th of November at the New Expo in Friedrichshafen /Germany while the "Modellbau Bodensee 2006" which is constantly growing and still on its way to become one of Germanys greatest shows /Expos for modelling related stuff including Plastic- and Paper-modelling, RC-stuff, trains and much more, This year the Expo had more than 35 Thousand (35000) visitors in 3 days which means a plus of more than 10% to last year.
"Modellbau Bodensee 2007" will go for 4 days (including a celebration day on Nov 1st) from Thursday, 1st till Sunday, 4th of November.
After the nice event last year LSP-Members from Europe/Germany took the chance for a gathering to meet themselves "eye to eye" again, display their work and have a great time. Although a few LSP'ers resigned from the participation we had a nice and funny (and successful) event and we´re absolutely sure to meet again in 2007.
Here´s the gang (from Left to right):
- Bekim Lulaj (Bekim)
- Chris Kirchhoff (Chris-Hannover/Germany)
- Graham Marsh (Lancman)
- Chris Novak (Chris/Germany aka Chris "the ripper")
- Dominik Merk (Dondy)
- special guest Joe Koszak from Chicago /USA

Joe visited us while staying here in Germany ´til January for family business and is a well known modeller in the states. An extremely nice guy, thanks a lot Joe for joining us! Unfortunately Graham/Scotland and Joe/USA had the same problem with not being able to bring kits to the show because of travelling by plane, perhaps we can get this fixed next year with maybe chartering a cargo plane donated by the LSP staff? ...OK, just kidding
Like every year a contest was held on Saturday and surely some LSP´ers signed in. After Chris Kirchhoff's famous hit last year LSP´ers did it again this year, here are the results:
Chris "the ripper": 1st of Class (planes 1/32), 1st of Special contest "50 years of German Luftwaffe".
2nd in category (Planes, all scales) - Tigermeet TORNADO

Chris Hannover: 2rd in Class (planes 1/32) - F4U Corsair

Chris Hannover: 3rd in Class (planes 1/32) - Bf 109

The proud (Chris "the ripper" and Chris Kirchhoff) winners: 2 LSP´ers = 3 Medals and 2 Cups!

I have organized an "Bavarian-evening" for friday with "Weisswurscht (white-meats) and Brezels and Beer", was fun to see "non-Bavarians" fighting with this stuff!

LSP´ers atwork!

Same evening, two hours (and four "Schnapses") later:

Ok, serious business was also held on the 3 days of Expo, here are LSP´ers stuff:
Dondy (Dominik Merk) was here with two nice Jets (don´t know why he didn´t sign in to the contest!?!?!?!?).

Bekim Lulaji displayed two longtime projects in building stages, a massive conversion of the old REVELL Dora to a D-15 and a much more massive conversion of an F-16 to an Israeli "Lavi" development of the original USA plane.

Bekim also presented a nice D-13 Diorama

Chris Kirchhoff's planes:

Chris "the ripper" ´s planes:

Some miscellaneous stuff, mixed 1/32 and 1/48:

Finally a view over the LSP-table which were (for sure) marked with "LSP-Logos" and again, like last year, we met some modellers which view LSP regularly without being signed in or do posts.

Thanx to all Members for makin this years "Modellbau Bodensee" a special show, in 2007 we meet again with a stunning additional event at the LSP tables.
© Dominik Merk and Chris Novak 2006
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016