Tomy/Doyusha 1/32 A6M2 Converted to a A6M2N
By Ladislav Vertat

This is the old 1974 TOMY kit (today kitted by Doyusha) and the MDC A6M2-N conversion.
Surprisingly, this old kit works well for the conversion even though the set is designed for the Tamiya A6M2 kit. The biggest modifications are at the end of the fuselage where the new fuselage end is placed. The fuselage is modified here and the place for attaching the elevator must be adjusted.
My biggest recommendation is this one: Stick the auxiliary floats on the model as the last thing. When handling the model, I broke them many times. After that, I cast new float holders reinforced with wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm.
The angle of the wings, which is too small on the TOMY / DOYUSHA kit, must also be increased. Thankfully, it is enough to grind the fuselage - wing connection a bit.
Colors used: AK Real color & Gunze C, with homemade masks for markings.
A Yahu Instrument panel was used to help in the cockpit.
© Ladislav Vertat 2020
This article was published on Friday, July 17 2020; Last modified on Friday, July 17 2020