Trumpeter 1/24 Bf 109F-4 Conversion
By Andrea Ferrari

Here’s a few images of my 1:24 Trumpeter Bf 109G-2 converted to a Jagdgeschwader 27 Bf 109F-4 Trop based at Ain El Gazala in 1941. Building was quite straightforward as with all the Trumpeter Bf 109 kits in this scale – this line-up is finely detailed and builds extremely well - and the simple conversion consisted basically in scratchbuilding a tropical filter plus filling all hatches not pertinent to the F-4 version while scribing new ones in the appropriate positions. Camouflage colors RLM78 and RLM79 are Gunze Sangyo and the decals used were either from the kit itself or scrounged from the spares box.
© Andrea Ferrari 2019
This article was published on Wednesday, October 02 2019; Last modified on Wednesday, October 02 2019