Dragon 1/32 Bf 110G Conversion
By Chris Parsons

This model was realized with the purchase of (Large-scale Conversions) resin kit added to Dragon's model 1/32 Bf 110 I to build a GO model. The conversion wasn't without some bumps along the way, plus the terror of cutting big pieces out of a very expensive kit.
Some of the notable problems; the interior side panels were warped which I ended up breaking during my effort to straighten them. I mixed the kits walls with the resin parts to complete the interior. The upward firing cannons had air bubbles in the castings, many parts had this issue, but he cannon were the worst. Some parts had been short shot and there was some shipping breakage.
Other than miscellaneous conversion issues the biggest problem was my kit had been supplied with two left side engines, an email to Largescale conversions didn't solve my problem so I used parts from the kit's left side engine spliced to the new resin part to fit the left engine (pictures included).
I added details to the best of my abilities wherever I thought appropriate (mostly visible areas).
The model was painted with Tamiya acrylics, the national markings were painted on, small stencils etc. were sourced from Hobbydecal dry transfer systems, the codes were sourced from spare decals. Gun barrels and radar dipoles are from Master (brass parts).
The model was very lightly weathered with the thinking late war night fighters probably didn't have a long lifespan.
Finished Photos
© Chris Parsons 2017
This article was published on Wednesday, August 23 2017; Last modified on Wednesday, August 23 2017