Hasegawa 1/32 Ki-61
By Dejan Lukic
After the Revell Spitfire Mk II, I decided to tackle some Japanese stuff. Since I consider the Ki-61 a Japanese Messerchmitt no wonder I chose that one.
The model is well known so I can only say great job Hasegawa! As usual with their kits everything went smooth without the slightest hint of problem during construction.
Since this was my first try with NMF I was really freaked out. I chose to try Vallejo metal colors. While I had no problem spraying them on Vallejo black primer, I experienced problems with their own Metal Gloss coat. It just refused to dry so I had to put the model for almost a month on a side (still a little sticky but could not wait any longer). Made a lot of mistakes but I can live with them, next one will be better.
© Dejan Lukic 2017
This article was published on Wednesday, May 31 2017; Last modified on Wednesday, May 31 2017