Hasegawa 1/32 Bf 109G-6, 2./JG 52, "Black 5"
By Mike Offutt

After a long bout of lack of mojo I wanted something that went together with no fuss and muss and the Hasegawa kit fits the bill to a tee, superbly engineered and a joy to put together. This was originally supposed to be a Rumanian aircraft but decal difficulties and even more difficulties steered this one into the winter white-wash zone. My first winter camo scheme and pretty happy with the results.
- Montex Masks for markings
- BR32070 Bf 109G Wheels
- BR32122 Bf 109G-6 Prop and Spinner
- BR32155 Bf 109G-6 Intake and Exhaust Set (intake only)
- Eduard Brassin Exhausts
- Finemolds Seatbelts
- Yahu PE IP
- Finemolds brass Barrels for pod mounted MG 151 and pitot tube
- Quickboost MG 131 barrels
© Mike Offutt 2017
This article was published on Sunday, May 28 2017; Last modified on Sunday, May 28 2017