Wingnut Wings 1/32 Pfalz D.XII
By Christian Kaluza

After nearly one year I finally made it to the finish line with this one. It's nearly OOB except for Gaspatch MG08/15 and turnbuckles. The model itself was really awesome but somehow I screwed up the decals..there was so much silvering and the lozenge decals had so many wrinkles on them. It was horrible. I had to invest nearly two months only for decal work.
As for the propeller, it was fairly easy to make.
- Paint it a very light brown colour (Buff or Desert/Dark Yellow...anything like that)
- Search for a good picture of the propeller you are doing. In my case it's a Niendorf one and I used this picture as a guide:
- Use a small brush to paint on the darker color (not too dark, only dark enough like flat earth etc.)
- Take out your dark oil paint (like burnt umber etc.) and make light streaks with a large hard brush
- Let it dry and give it a shot of gloss clear
- You have your wooden propeller
© Christian Kaluza 2017
This article was published on Monday, January 16 2017; Last modified on Monday, January 16 2017