Czech Models 1/32 CT-133 Canadian Silver Star
By Don Hamade

This kit has been as difficult and ornery to build as its reputation said it would be. I'm used to easier builds, this has been a challenge from the beginning to end. Truthfully I did enjoy taking care of fit problems, helps keep long unused skills sharp. This is done as a Canadian bird, needing minor mods to Canadianize. The pit and the seats are the great AMS parts, pit was the easiest part of the build. Decals are a mix of Leading Edge and Belcher Decals. Main color coat is Tamiya TS-17 Gloss Aluminum. I was going to do this as a grey jet, I like the colors of the natural metal finish with the red and black.
There is a build thread for this model in the forums.
© Don Hamade 2016
This article was published on Monday, July 25 2016; Last modified on Monday, July 25 2016