Wingnut Wings 1/32 Sopwith Snipe (late)
By Jan Gabauer

This is my first Wingnut Wings kit. It was absolutely relaxing OOB build. Used Tamiya and GSI acrylics mainly, and Ammo weathering product for finish.
I did rigging in easy way, with no turnbuckles, just silver paint. At the end, to be honest, I'm not satisfied with outcome. Even turnbuckles are not so prominent on Snipe, on my next Wingnut Wings project will use at least some grey tubes. And yes, didn't use the flat rigging. But will try on my next biplane, which should be postwar Dh.9a.
Coastal Kits insignia base used for display.
There is a build thread for this model in the forums.
© Jan Gabauer 2016
This article was published on Wednesday, June 29 2016; Last modified on Wednesday, June 29 2016