I.D. Models 1/32 RB-57
By Larry Hawkins

This is the ID vac kit of the RB-57 that was modified to make it a B model. First I took the Italeri 72nd scale kit plans and enlarged them to 32nd scale. Then I took the parts from the kit and sized and cut them to fit the plans. This kit was built for one of the guys from the LSP site. The following is what I added and scratchbuilt.
- Used the Revell Beaufighter kit wheels and tires for the main ones on the 57.
- For the nose wheels and tires I used the Hasegawa Spitfire kit.
- Struts for the nose was from the spares box.
- Main struts are from the Revell F-15 kit that were modified and glued into place.
- Decals are painted on other than the panel lines that were made using a fine black maker.
- Tip tanks are drop tanks I had in the stash and were cut and modified to fit the tip of the wings. Cockpits are from the Trump A-10 kit and the seats are from the old Revell F-l4 kit.
- The engines were not the same as for the RB types on the kit parts so I made them out out balsa wood and sheet and some plastic tubing. I used bondo to shape then sand them to the plans I had enlarged.
- Paint is from a can that I get from a dollar store. The black walkways are automotive pin stripping tape.

© Larry Hawkins
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016