Wingnut Wings 1/32 AMC DH2 - 9707 - September 1916
By Peter Hofer

The inspiration for this build was the brilliant under construction thread from Brian Leitch in the forums.
Many thanks to him for this.
As with the Felixstowe I would like also to show some pictures out of the construction phase before the final ones.
Here the cockpit before the fuselage was closed:

For a little additional fun I have used the resin engine from Taurus which consists of 91 parts, some so small that I needed a magnifying glass to work with them:

For size comparison the valve springs. The wooden thing on the picture is the end of a standard toothpick:

Wingnut Wings engine block on the left, Taurus on the right:

Engine finished, aged, and wired:

With the 4 blade propeller added:

With the fuselage:

A little extra detail, the breather pipe and the petrol indicator glass of the wing tank. Breather pipe was replaced with a 0.5mm metal pipe and the petrol level was painted with clear yellow:

Landing gear added:

And here is the finalised DH2:
© Peter Hofer 2016
This article was published on Thursday, February 25 2016; Last modified on Thursday, February 25 2016