Creating a Simple Diorama
By Piet Bouma
For simulating concrete, I use abrasive paper covered in several (slightly) different shades of 'concrete grey', after which I fill in the areas between these "abrasive tiles" with black paint (applied by fine brush).

I used "Revell Plasto" to flatten out the abrasive paper - to give the idea of real old concrete, which is not even at all places...

Then it's time to weather the concrete by airbrushing some green (simulating grass and moss) and dropping some thinner diluted oil stains...

The grass is model railway grass, first airbrushed in dark grey (to do away with the very pale green shining through the result), followed by different shades of green. Be sure to spray these colours from all (!) different angles / directions or you won't be able do get rid of the original unnatural colour...

Spray away! Nature has no constant colour either...
Best of luck!
© Piet Bouma 2007
This article was published on Sunday, November 01 2015; Last modified on Wednesday, November 11 2015