Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1 Corsair "Marines Dream"
By Philippos Philippopoulos

So I finished this awesome model kit from Tamiya, and I tried to represent the aircraft of Lt E. Olander the "Marines Dream". I used Gunze colors and oils for washes. The additions that I made were cables on the engines, some wires on the cockpit and machine gun barrels on the wings! Also I add from the Eduard brassin set the cowl flaps.
I want really thank all of the modellers on the Large Scale Planes for their interest, comments, which help me and encouraging me to finish this model!
There is a build thread for this model in the forums.
© Philippos Philippopoulos 2015
This article was published on Tuesday, October 13 2015; Last modified on Tuesday, October 13 2015