Revell 1/32 Hawker Hunter FGA Mk9
By Dave Thomas

Right from the off, when I bought this kit I wanted to do something different to RAF Green and Gray as I have quite a few kits to come in these colours – so I needed some verity! Doing the research I had come across some references to the Rhodesian Hunters and their uses. So as these, in the beginning, carried no national markings I thought it would be a challenge to try and make a convincing looking surface without any roundels which IMO is when the model starts to get a real look and gives the surface some interest. I also found obscure references to both Sidewinders and a ‘home made reconnaissance pod’ made from a wing fuel tank. I tried to find some more info on these but couldn’t find any. So went with making it up from some educated guesses.
True Details Resin cockpit
Apart from the minor problems with the seat this was very good and didn’t need any adjustment to fit. Just lots of dry fitting to check as you go.
Flightpath PE
I found this industrial thick and a real pain to cut! Didn’t use all of it just some bits, jet pipe, main wheel wells and the flaps being the major bits. I couldn’t get the flaps to fit at all which was very annoying, as it took me ages to make them and I did like their looks! The instructions are very vague and IMHO not very clear at all but the main wheel wells look pretty good!
Wouldn’t bother with the Flightpath cockpit bits, as the True Details Cockpit is so much easier to deal with and will give you better detail for far less pain.
Masters Pitot Tube
This looks very nice and is a step up from the kit part. The only thing was mine had a very slight bend in it! But I managed to get it pretty straight, not perfect but it will do for me! As know one has noticed unless I point to it.
Main colours are all Humbrols new UK paints with some other parts painted in my first adventure into Alclad. All finished off with my depleting supply of MM Semi and Matt varnish.
The kit is okay, had some fit issues (some coursed by me) but some of it could have been designed better by Revell which would have made the construction a lot easier and give a better finish – the build can been seen in the forums.
I wasn’t sure if I could pull off the camera pod so from the outset I made the pylons so that I could swap around the ordnance – So first with the SNEB Pods:

Then swapped out for the small wing tank and camera pod:

Now with the cover of the cameras:

Did a lot of work in the wheel wells - Flighpath and scratch-built:

A shot of all the bottom bits:

The Flightpath jet pipe:

Some walk around pictures:
© Dave Thomas 2015
This article was published on Saturday, October 10 2015; Last modified on Saturday, January 13 2018