Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1A
By Olivier Papon

Here is my very last build: the awesome Tamyia Corsair.
As usual, no surprises, it's Tamyia top quality. Good thing is that they stopped those weird/crappy options like the retractable landing gear of the zero, the micro magnet for the engine panels like on the Spitfire and the P-51. Here you got to choose and stick to the option right from the start which is a good thing because it ends up as a solid built. This is a kit, not a toy.
I had to build it with the wing folded due to its size. It had to fit in the display stand alongside with the Zero so no choice.
I used Humbrol enamels, hand-brush as usual.
Hu 34 below, Hu 144 underwing and Hu 77 for the upper parts. Then weathering with Hu-144 + a bit of white and for the upper parts I mixed the Hu77 with a mix of white and Hu128. Then a black juice and also a bit of brown/muddy juice on the wheels and the white surfaces.
I use some fishing thread for the antennas. I found an interesting website that details the different type of wire antennas for the Corsair.
© Olivier Papon 2015
This article was published on Saturday, May 23 2015; Last modified on Saturday, May 23 2015