"Air War Over Viet Nam" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Air War Over Viet Nam Group Build ran from 1 May 2014 to 31 January 2015. It was one of our most successful Group Builds ever, with 18 members managing to finish 25 models during the GB, and we present them here for posterity, in no particular order.
John Bardwell's Trumpeter F-8E
John built Trumpeter's F-8E kit using Victory Productions decals for a USMC bird off the Oriskany in 1965, the Aires cockpit tub, the AMS seat, and a Rhino seamless intake (build thread).

Member Andromeda673 with his Hasegawa A-4 Skyhawk

Christian Huester's Trumpeter F-105

Member Andromeda673 with his Chinese-marked Trumpeter MiG-15

Don Hamade's with his Trumpeter A-4E
Don built Trumpeter's kit as an A-4E from VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers base at Chu Lai, using Zotz decals (build thread).

Brad Gaff's Revell MiG-21

Member Andromeda673 with his Hasegawa VA-46 "Clansmen" A-4E

Christian Huester's Trumpeter A-6A Intruder

Tim Wilson's Trumpeter A-6A Intruder

Member Teresa's Trumpeter MiG-21

Bill Cross's Tamiya F-4J Phantom
Bill built Tamiya's F-4J Phantom as a tribute to his father, who served in Viet Nam from 1969-1970 in Saigon as a supply officer (build thread).

Don Hamade's Italeri F-104C
Don built the Italeri F-104C as a machine from the 435th TFS, Da Nang AB South Vietnam (build thread).

LSP_Paul with his Zoukei-Mura A-1H Skyraider
Paul built the Zoukei-Mura Skyraider as "Miss Eileen" using Zotz decals (build thread).

Jack Crumbliss with his Trumpeter J-6 (MiG-19)

Andre Dorion's Trumpeter F-105
Andre built the Hobbycraft reboxing of the Trumpeter F-105 using Aires interior and wheel bays, AMS ventral fin correction and FOD covers and G-Factor metal gears (build thread).

Bruce Radebaugh's Revell F-4E

Daniel Leduc's's Tamiya VMFA-232 F-4J 'Red Devils' Phantom

Jack Crumbliss with his Trumpeter F-105

Kaishawn Wong's Trumpeter F-8E Crusader
Kai built Trumpeter's Crusader using the AMS seat, Rhino intake, Master Model pitot and the SAC landing gear (build thread).

Karim Bibi's Trumpeter A-4M Skyhawk

Jack Crumbliss built the Trumpeter SA-2 Guideline Surface to Air Missile

Mike Dragon's Tamiya F-4C

Member Brenhen's Trumpeter A-4E Skyhawk

Karl Holubar's Trumpeter A-4 Skyhawk

Member Clunkmeister's Zoukei-Mura A-1H Skyraider

Congratulations to those who finished a build, and to everyone else who participated.
This article was published on Tuesday, March 31 2015; Last modified on Saturday, April 25 2015