HK Models 1/32 B-25 Glass Nose "Ruthie"
By Mark McAllister

Well, here she is! Several months of searching for AM props, fixing booboos on the inside of the canopy, otherwise a thoroughly enjoyable build. This was the clear version - I wanted to do the glass nose bomber and this one has all the parts for both the gun nose and glass nose, though only decals for the gun nose. So, Kits-World decals to the rescue!
She's built mostly straight OOB, just the props (Loon) and decals were added. I decided to forgo the mountains of AM for this kit as I figured most of it couldn't be seen after closing things up. The engines are kits unto themselves, it was almost a shame to close up the cowls, but the individual panels left loose would only become kitty toys!
Fit was excellent, the kit is really well engineered, if I had one complaint it would be the flaps. They can (obviously) be dropped but they're not well engineered in the lowered position.
© Mark McAllister 2015
This article was published on Friday, March 27 2015; Last modified on Monday, February 22 2016