Tamiya 1/32 A6M2 Zero Carrier Deck Diorama
By Mal Belford

This is my 14th build and 3rd diorama I've made since by return to building 2.5-3 years ago (haven't built since 18-20 years before that) and were very fun to build.
The kit is Tamiya's A6M2 1:32. Not much to say except, it is perfect, very little, I mean very little putty was needed. In fact I made my own surfacer (Tamiya putty dissolved in acetone).
Colors I used were mainly Tamiya, camo color is home-brew of them, details (metallic) I've used the silver ink Silver and gold. For aotake I've used Alclads, and Alclad hot metal blue. For washes I used were Tamiya black panel line wash around the cockpit and engine, very basic indeed, the aircraft itself were a mix of different Flory washes.
Some scratch needed, that gunsight Type 28 were scratched and ignition cables to the engine and them sparks plugs.
I've used the figure that came with this kit, and is the 4th I've ever done, still learning to paint them.
For the base plate I use Ikea's LP frame, as I see them very clean and neat, and fit perfectly in my glass cabinet.
The aircraft carrier deck I used light colored mahogany the same as model boat builders use, and them metal areas as the lift and that metal on the surface and them anchorage points are scratch-built using plastic card.
All the Hinomaru, the red line on main wing, red fuselage stripe and yellow tail stripes are painted.
Construction Photos
There is a full build thread for this model in the forums.
Base Construction
Finished Photo Gallery
© Mal Belford 2015
This article was published on Friday, February 27 2015; Last modified on Friday, February 27 2015