1/32 Hasegawa/Minicraft F-16
By Gary Bayer

I have just started reading your website and am very impressed. I have been building for many years, but have just recently started using the internet to my advantage. I am sending a couple of pics of an F-16 that I built for a departing commander here at Aviano AB, Italy. I was under very tight time constraints and a very limited budget so they requested the deletion of the cockpit. What a pity! I have never submitted to a web site before so here it goes.
Base kit was 1/32 Hasegawa/Minicraft F-16. I hand made the Aim 120s, Targeting pod and pylon, 131 pod, ALE-50, missile rails, and upgrade panels for Blk40. The rocket pods were turned from aluminum and brass, and contain over 80 pieces. I made and reduced all the labels for these rockets from my laser printer. I used the Flightpath AIM-9 missiles. The decals were from DACO and all the rest is stock. This is a normal FAC-A load for missions that were flown over Bosnia/Kosovo.
I spent about 3 months on this kit, but this was only on spare moments and weekends. I tried to convince them to add the cockpit, but they refused to comply. The aircraft is now at the Pentagon in D.C. The man who received it really liked it so I guess it was a success. Thank you for the site. Really informative!

© Gary Bayer
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016