"Anything But Injection Moulded" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Anything But Injection Moulded Group Build ran from 29 June 2013 until 1 August 2014, and its main focus was participation, rather than completion. Even so, six members managed to finish a model during the GB, and we present them here for posterity, in no particular order.
Brian Leitch with his Planet Models XF5U-1
Brian built the Planet Models resin XF5U-1 "Flying Pancake" kit, supplemented with some scratch building (build thread):

Kevin Futter with his Aerotech 1/32 Speed Spitfire
Kevin built Aerotech's resin 1/32 Speed Spitfire straight out of the box (build thread):

Craig's Vampire from a Sea Venom
Craig used the old Matchbox 1/32 Sea Venom kit and turned it into an RAAF T.35 Vampire (build thread):

John with his JRutman Henschel Hs 129B-2
John built Jerry Rutman's resin 1/32 Hs 129 kit (now available from Grey Matter Figures) and added a few aftermarket accessories (build thread):

John F Smith's Photo-etched Zero
John built the amazing IMCTH Zero Type 21 kit, which is a skeletal kit made up almost entirely of photo-etched and white metal parts (build thread):

Tom Probert with his I.D. Models Halifax
Tom took the old I.D. Models vacuform kit and turned it into a magnificent Handley-Page Halifax GRII (build thread):

Congratulations to our finishers, and thanks to everyone who participated.
© 2014 Large Scale Planes
This article was published on Wednesday, August 20 2014; Last modified on Wednesday, August 20 2014