PCM 1/32 Hurricane Mk.I, 73 Sqn RAF, Western Desert 1941
By Tony O'Toole

Continuing with the Pacific Coast Models theme, after finishing the Tempest I decided to resume building a part started PCM Hurricane and here is the result. A Vokes filter from Grey Matter Figures was grafted onto the nose and after the early desert scheme of Middle Stone and Dark Earth with Sky Blue undersides was brushed on using some old Aeromaster acrylics (cheers again Andy!)...using Finnish Light Blue to represent Sky Blue, the 73 Sqn flash was measured out and masked off on the fuselage sides. Using the a reference photo as a guide and comparing the shades of this flash to those of the dull wartime roundels it appears that this was applied using bright pre-war colours so Humbrol gloss yellow and French Blue were also applied by brush. The under wing roundels from the PCM kit are far too large, as were the fin flashes so these had to be found from the spares box, which was a bit of a bind! The code `U' came from Xtradecal and the serial came from a very handy set of 32nd scale serials from Ventura.
© Tony O'Toole 2014
This article was published on Wednesday, July 16 2014; Last modified on Tuesday, April 12 2016