Redone Hasegawa 1/32 Bf 109G-2
By Mal Belford

This is my redoing of a model I did last year, the kit is a Trumpeter Bf 109F-2, but in fact content in that box is actually a Bf 109G-2, few exceptions, the front window, is for a F-2, but that were replaced by a Hasegawa front window, they are almost exactly the same size.
Oh well, I was never pleased with the tropical G-2 I've done, so, why not do a redone if not pleased.
The individual I've chosen is Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke's Bf 109G-2 R2 November 1942, there were necessary to do some scratch for this one.
All the insignias are painted, red marking on the wings, also the swastika is painted, I've used the Alliance Modelworks Steel masks, various results, ended up using them as a template and cut along the inside, also the antenna at the fuselage is scratch built, as the pitot tube, the gunboats under the wing are Trumpeters and the barrels are made out of brass tubes, the spinner is replaced with a Hasegawa spinner, since the shape looks more accurate, landing gear and tailwheel are Hasegawa's, the only decals used on this one is them om the tank and the warning/info signs on the fuselage.
© Mal Belford 2014
This article was published on Wednesday, March 12 2014; Last modified on Wednesday, March 12 2014