HK Models 1/32 B-25J - "The Ink Squirts"
By Rowen Poole

While I have been a member of LSP for a couple years now, I have not completed a 1/32 build until now. Here's is my first submission - a 19-month build version of the HK B-25J glass nose, made up to resemble the original "The Ink Squirts" as based on Okinawa in the summer of 1945. This took somewhere around 500 hours of time to complete.
For the most part, this is an OOB build. I did get the correct props, added metal landing gear, Brassin wheels, used Finemolds ABS plastic seat belts (they are very nice!) and used the Profimodeler brass gun barrels.
The paints were a mix of things. Most of the interior was done using Vallejo Air paints. This is the first time I've ever used these paints and I have to say they are excellent. The only ones I did not care for were the metallic ones. They were too grainy for my tastes. The exterior of the plane I first coated in Model Air Grey Primer then applied an overall coat of Floquil Old Silver. I then masked off areas and used a couple different Alclad metals over this for panel variations. Aside from the Grey Primer. None of these were applied to cover 100% as I wanted slight variations in the aluminum skin tones (which can be seen in photos of the original aircraft). Glass lights were painted with Tamiya clears (green, red and orange) on the back side of the clear plastic parts that were then glued into place. Some the engine parts were painted with Model Master Metalizers.
Weathering was applied by hand (literally, with my fingers) using a mix of Mig Old Aluminum, Black Smoke and Volcanic Ash pigments mixed in with some of Doc O'Briens Grimy Black weathering powder (these powders can be found in railroad modeling catalogs). For the liquid weatherings I used Mig and Model Master washes.
My father was stationed on Okinawa at the end of the war (when this plane was there, too). He often commented that the planes were dusty/sandy from the island sand. So my intent on weathering was based on this and what I could see in photos. Not real dirty/grimy but somewhat dusty-dirty.
I have not installed the U antenna on the front glass yet. This did not come with the kit and was purchased from Profimodeler also.
Decals were from Kits-World and are very nice! They were applied directly over the Old Silver/Alclad paints and sealed with a 50/50 mix of Polly S Clear Satin and Flat Clear (this seemed to approximate the sheen of the aluminum best to my eye).
For the rivet counters out there - Yes, there are some errors. But it's a model. I enjoy building them and don't worry too much about, well, the rivets.
The kit cockpit glass is wrong for this particular aircraft. If you search for images of this plane, you will note that the left front of the cockpit has metal framing around the image painted on the glass (the pilot?). These frames are not molded into the kit glass.
If anyone has any questions about how I did something on this build, please feel free to contact me.
Hope you all enjoy and thanks for taking a look!
© Rowen Poole 2013
This article was published on Sunday, December 22 2013; Last modified on Monday, February 22 2016