Revell 1/32 Mirage III O
By Alain Personeni

First, a few words to introduce the kit, even if we all know its high qualities. Almost every things must be recreated, and each step is a challenge. The whole engraving must be done on the wings, fuselage, you have to fill gaps, sometimes huge, create air scoops on the fuselage etc... Details? What details? There is none! But nothing is lost, you have a lot of after market items to improve the weakness of the bird. The cockpit from Fisher models not their best work, a little disappointed), engine exhaust from Matterhorn circle (very nice), and the "cheery on the cake" (French way to say the best), E-Resin that will give you from nose to tail nice improvements, especially on the wheel bays, indispensable here. Oh what about the landing gears, I choose to replace them SAC items, and I say it's a rip -off, I threw away the nose gear, and only kept the lower part of the main gear. Why a O Mirage? (I am French it's weird) because I like exotic camouflage.
© Alain Personeni 2013
This article was published on Thursday, November 07 2013; Last modified on Sunday, April 03 2016