Tamiya 1/32 F-14A Converted to F-14B
By Florin Silaghi

After 5 months of work, I managed to finish another project, which gave me more trouble than I thought. An F-14A from Tamiya, which I converted into an F-14B, after much work and lots of upgrades, from Aires (exhaust nozzle, weighted wheels), Eduard (interior, exterior, placards, ejection seat details), Phoenix (pitot tube, AOA sensor), Teknics (interior), Wolfpack Design (ladder), Zotz (decals), each got what he was better. Full rescribed, something scratchbuild, finally came out of what you see. I hope you enjoy.

© Florin Silaghi
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016