Williams Brothers 1/32nd Seversky P-35
By Olivier Barles

I love this plane because I find it so representative of the '30s in the US aviation business...
But to make this model somehow "acceptable", even if the basis is good (correct general shapes, nice injected canopy), a lot work is necessary. The molding is a bit too "soft" and needs more "definition", all raised panel lines must be sanded and re-engraved (and there are many!) and most parts need a consequent thinning process... The engine has been replaced and the cockpit scratch-built.
However, a pilot was also a good idea to fill it up as it still looked too empty to me!
I am finishing a 1/32nd scale Boeing P-12E (Hasegawa) to continue with those machines of this very interesting moment of the Aviation History.

© Olivier Barles 2009
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016