IPMS/Australia Model Expo 2008
By Kevin Futter

The weekend of June 28 and 29 saw the running of the annual IPMS Australia Model Expo, held at Sandown Racecourse in Melbourne's south-east. Normally a 3-day event held on the Queen's Birthday long weekend earlier in June, this year's event had to be moved to a new date to accommodate a change in the car racing calendar.
The Expo was a great success, with both crowd and model numbers up on previous years - I was told a figure of 599 models entered in the competition, with over 1,000 models on display all up. And there were some superb models on display! The title photo features a painting of Luftwaffe '46 jets on a sortie, which was one of a large collection on display by a single artist (whose name unfortunately escapes me!).
Rather than a detailed show report, I'll simply present some photos of the LSP contingent of the show:

It was a great event, and a pleasure to catch up with fellow LSP members Dan and Matty. Here's looking forward to another great event next year!
© Kevin Futter 2008
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016