Special Hobby 1/32 Brewster F2A-2 Buffalo
By Ron Scholtz

Attached are some photos of my just completed F2A-2 Buffalo. It's the 1/32 Special Hobby kit in markings for VF-2 off the Lexington. I used Yellow Wing Decals. Otherwise, pretty much out of the box with just a few add-ons such as brass gun barrels and seat belts. The kit went together pretty well, with only a few areas to watch. There was a big gap between the tail flaps and the fuselage that had to be corrected. Lot's of time needed to carefully blend in the rear canopy to the fuselage too. A great kit and I look forward to further variants. Enjoy! Ron

© Ron Scholtz 2007
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016