Revell/Matchbox 1/32 DH 82 Tiger Moth
By Nenad Miklusev
The kit is made straight from the box, without any modifications. Only the control surfaces are cut out and re-positioned. The colour scheme presents the Tiger Moth as exposed in Yugoslav Aviation Museum, Belgrade in the markings that it carried during WW2. All the markings and serials are sprayed, using self made airbrushing masks( drawn in COREL 11(R) and using cutter service to produce airbrushing masks on frisket film). The rigging is stainless steel wire (U control flying models wire -0,35 mm dia) glued by cyano into pre-drilled holes. Fun kit to build and nice addition to my collection.

© Nenad Miklusev 2004
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016