Paper Piper by Nenad Miklusev
By Nenad Miklusev
Being a scale and RC modeler for a past 25 years, I always wondered why and how the paper model kits stay on the market, despite large offer of cheap and accurate plastic kits.
Now, after the latest modeling effort, I find how cheap, easy to build and fun the paper models are.

So, there is the answer how the Paper Kits survives all the market opponents.
Must to confess, I never try to build an paper model, since a friend of mine, Mr. Zoran Sivcev from "Liliput Models" offers me his latest project, a "Paper Piper", the famous Crop Duster, the PA 25-235 Pawnee, for a test build. The "kit" is printed, including complete color scheme on plain, glossy 300gms paper using a digital copier, directly from "COREL (R)" drawing programme. Its existed in 1/48, 1/32 and 1/24 scale, I chose the 32, just to fit my collection. The building is straightforward and easy, if you carefully follow the instruction (even for me, the notorious "2 steps ahead instruction" builder). Care must be taken when cutting the parts from the paper. Using white glue and superglue, the kit is very easy to construct. Completed model needs only a light spray of gloss cote. OK, its maybe not a Showstopper, but for a fast build project its really nice supplement to my collection.

The kit (or "Print") could be ordered directly from Mr. Zoran Sivcev at e-mail: sivcevz@ptt.yu.
It's possible to order the Pawnee with desired paint scheme and registration. The price, including AirMail postage, is some 20 EUR for 1/32 scale. The 1/24 scale is priced a bit higher, but check at Zoran for availability.
© Nenad Miklusev 2003
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016