Eurocopter AS532 Cougar Helicopter in 1/32 Scale
By Meindert de Vreeze
Using the original Matchbox Puma helicopter kit (later issued through Revell also) I started this large conversion project. Being a Dutch modeller and as the Dutch Airforce operates the Cougar helicopter on behalf of the AirMobile Brigade, I really wanted this model in the collection.
The Cougar is a very different helicopter than the Puma but also thereare common features. Briely, the conversion required:
- lengthened fuselage
- interior details
- new nose
- changed tail section with new tail rotor
- new main rotor system and longer rotor blades
- new main gear with their respective fairings and float gears
- exhaust pods
Also, it was decided to make a Cougar used for naval testing. It took a lot of work, more details can be found here on this website:
Having a 1/32 Cougar in the collection was worth all the effort.
Enjoy large scale modelling!
© 2005 Meindert de Vreeze
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016