Fisher Models 1/32 Sea Fury FB.11
By Jay Laverty

This is easily one of the nicest models I have ever had the pleasure of building. On a personal note, I think the model may have benfitted from some fastener and rivet detail, but this is a subjective opinion and I think Paul Fishers descision not to include any was a wise one. Should I have really wanted to add the detail it would have been easy enough to do, and certainly alot easier than those not wanting it having to fill it.

The build of the model is superb, and the engineering overall shows itslef to be almost flawless. Clearly a great deal of intelligence has gone into the creation of the masters, and the planning of the model.
Having said that though, this is not a model for beginners, an will require a fair amount of previous experience, and a good breadth of knowledge of the subject if you want to make sure the smaller details are correct. That is not to say that it is a terribly difficult kit to make, on the contrary it is quite easy for a resin model, however this is not an injection-moulded kit, and some skills with manipulating resin will be required.

Let it be said though, that this model will stand as an enduring testament to a passion in creating model kits on the part of Fisher Models. We are lucky as Large Scale Modellers to have the blossoming array of kits, whether they be injection or resin, to choose from.
© Jay Laverty 2007
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016