Tamiya 1/32 F-4J Phantom II
By Kelly Quirk
No major problems with the kit other than the disappointing intakes, which I "fixed" with the FOD covers. Also the resin nose cone (Flighpath) didn't fit quite right and took a lot of work to get it to look right. Considering the minor difference in appearance, I wouldn't bother with doing it again.
I also did some more work like:
- Resin replacement nose cone
- FOD covers scratchbuilt
- Cockpit fully detailed with Waldron modern jet gauges, scratchbuilt canopy mechanisms, hoses and wires, many photoetched bits such as mirrors and hooks, sidewalls detailed with strip styrene, etc.
- I used Model Master paints and the kit decals
- AIM-9 missiles from Flightpath
- Etched brass tailpipes
- Resin replacement ejection seats
- Wheel wells and landing gear detailed with hoses and tie down rings
© Kelly Quirk
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016