Revell 1/32 Bf 109F-2
By Chris Novak
Oberleutnant Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9/JG 54, Vilnius/Lithuania 1941
Another favourite in my collection because of its colourful scheme and the red devil on the portside nose. Kit is a REVELL G-4 modified to an F-version with filling some panel-lines and scribing some others on the right place (f. e. tank panel on left side under the cockpit). Also removed are the small air-intake bulges on the front nose( both sides), early style wheels from an old REVELL G-6 kit, red-devil is a decal from a great sheet of Mike Grant.

© Chris Novak 2003
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016