JRutman 1/32 Dauntless
By Bill Bosworth
I just wanted to give folks an idea that 1. It does exist. 2. It can be built. 3. It certainly looks like a Dauntless. I can also say that the fits are very exceptional and after clean up there is little to do but glue it together. When was the last time you built a resin kit and didn't use ANY putty?
There are by my count 132 resin pieces, two white metal gear legs (Nicely done since there is weight to this one), Fotocut photo etch dive flaps and seat belt, stackable vac-form canopies and red and green wing tip nav lights.
Rather than wait for custom decals to be done (source listed in the kit. ANY plane your heart desires, says Jerry), I chose to do a returned Lexington plane from the Coral Sea. The unit markings have been painted out and the twin gun mount has been field added. There were NO twin-gun SBDs at the Coral Sea.
© Bill Bosworth 2004
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016