Airfix 1/24 Spitfire Vc
By Angelo Picardo
From the Airfix 1/24th scale re-issue with the parts to make the Mk V series. For the cockpit I used Waldron details, their cockpit placards and instruments. The set is so fine that with care you can make a working throttle quadrant. The Sutton Harness was made from lead foil and the buckles were made from wire. I found a good reference from the Internet. Humbrol enamels were used for the colour scheme and the decals were from the kit. Some were out of register, especially the squadron badge and the fuel stencils for the main tank. The aircraft is in the markings of 401 squadron RCAF.
The figures came with a Trumpeter Mk VI Spitfire I built. They are generally well cast in resin and were painted using enamels and acrylics. I took the photographs outside on a rare day of sunshine (good old English summer!).
© 2005 Angelo Picardo
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016