Hasegawa 1/32 Ki-84 "Hayate"
By Rob Colvin

This is my Hasegawa 32nd scale Ki 84 out of the box. I am a long time visitor, and thought I would submit a piece of my work. The red bolts were painted on, the 57th Shinbutai marker came from and old Doyusha kit. I did it before the Aeromster sheet came out. It was painted with a combination of Gunze, Tamiya, Floquil, and Model Master. I tried to match a photo. This aircraft I had only one pic of and it was out in line up of other aircraft. It looked pretty well maintained, so I kept the chipping to a minimum.

© Rob Colvin 2006
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016