I.D. Models 1/32 Albatros Fighters
By James Merrigan

Here are the models I built based on the ID 1/32nd scale vac model.
Albatros DVa. ID's stock model, built wth injection molded details. Strutting is all wood, rigging is 326 ga.wire.

Albatros DRl. Fuselage and tail group built stock. Wings are built from card stock (paper). Strutting is wood, and rigging is #26 ga.

Albatros W4. The only thing that is from the model is the fuselage. Wings, tail group and floats are built from card stock. Strutting is wood and rigging is #26 ga.wire.

© James Merrigan 2003
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016