World War I Monoplanes
By Jim Merrigan
For my display at the June meeting of the NJIPMS I decided to feature 3 World War I monoplane models. All the models were built basically out of paper (file folder stock to be exact), all were 1/32nd scale. The three aircraft are the Fokker EIII, the Morane Saulnier N, and the Bristol M.1C.

The Fokker EIII Eindecker is a scaled up Fiddlers Green Fokker EIII. Prop, wheels, gun, engine, and cowling are all plastic.Strutting and tail skid are wood. Rigging is #26ga. steel wire.

The Morane Saulnier N was scaled down from a model in Michael Johnson's book. Again prop, wheels, gun, engine, cowl and spinner are all plastic. Struts, and tail skid are again wood, and the rigging is #26ga. steel wire.

The Bristol M.1C is unique in that the model is scratch built and designed by me. The fuselage was designed using "Cone" software which allows you to layout truncated cones in the flat. As with the other models the prop, wheels, cowl, gun,engine and spinner are plastic. Strutting, spars and tail skid are wood, the rigging is #26ga. steel wire.

© Jim Merrigan 2006
This article was published on Friday, September 27 2013; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016