Hasegawa 1/32 Bf 109G-6 9/JG52, Hartmann 1942-43
By Kent Strickland
I present my 1/32 Hasegawa Bf109G-6 flown by Lt E Hartmann whilst serving in 9/JG52 on the Eastern Front 1942-43. The kit is the Hasegawa ST21 boxing with a number of aftermarket details listed below:
- MDC:
- Bf 109G-6 cockpit; Bf 109G-K corrected spinner; Bf 109G corrected wheels, Bf 109G Mk131 ejector ports
- RB Productions:
- German Seat Belts; Bf 109G Radiator faces, Bf 109G canopy
- Aires:
- Bf 109G (late) Radio interior compartment.
- EagleCals:
- The Blond Knight EC036.
- EagleParts:
- Bf 109G oil cooler; Bf 109 Supercharger.
- Quickboost:
- Bf 109G gun barrels; Bf109G exhausts
Paints were a combination of Aeromaster warbirds RLM02, RLM66, RLM74, RLM75, RLM76 enamels; Model Master, Tamiya and Gunze additional colours. MM Clear flat and gloss lacquers.
The build tested me at times but I persisted and whilst there are some flaws, none are fatal and I am happy with the end result. Total build time was about six months. Thanks to all those that encouraged, advised and put up with my build thread, I say thank you.
© Kent Strickland 2013
This article was published on Saturday, August 17 2013; Last modified on Saturday, August 17 2013